Canvas Centro di stoccaggio e pretrattamento di Ravenna_ENG

  • Storage and pre-treatment centre in Ravenna

    Storage and pre-treatment centre in Ravenna

    Hasi-S.S. 309 Romea Highway at km 2.6, Ravenna

    Storage and pre-treatment

    Municipal and special, hazardous and non-hazardous waste

    TS_Stoccaggio e pretrattamento di Ravenna_ENG


    The industrial storage centre receives, stores and treats municipal and special, hazardous and non hazardous waste.

    Page update 5 December 2022

    Listinfo_Stoccaggio e pretrattamento Ravenna_ENG


    • Maximum Instant Storage Capacity
      3,210 tonnes (450 tonnes in liquid waste tanks, 140 tonnes in sludge or solid waste tanks)
    • Treatment capacity
      25,000 t/year of hazardous waste. There are no restrictions on non hazardous waste
    • Accepted waste
      special and municipal waste, hazardous and non hazardous.
    • Disposal codes

    TextImage_Stoccaggio e pretrattamento di Ravenna_ENG


    How does the plant work?

    The plant consists of the following sections: storage area, processing rooms, grinding plant, inerting plant.

    Specific waste control procedures are applied both when contracts are drawn up with customers (approval phase) and when disposals are received at the centre. Correspondence between the quality of the incoming waste and the respective approval is verified by means of visual and analytical checks carried out periodically and spot sampling the waste. Following the control phase, waste is labelled and stored in the centre's facilities, waiting to be treated, repackaged and sent to external disposal plants.

    Title all'Accordion di Centro di stoccaggio e pretrattamento di Ravenna_ENG

    Plant cycle

    Accordion_Stoccaggio e pretrattamento di Ravenna_ENG

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