
Foto dall'alto della sede SEA


Treatment and recovery of industrial waste and environmental decontamination


About SEA

SEA Ambiente is the 31% owned subsidiary of Herambiente, which is responsible for the management of industrial waste treatment and recovery platforms in the province of Ancona. Thanks to these assets, it is recognized as a reference company for the management and treatment of hazardous and non hazardous special waste, liquid, solid and sludge.

Discover our plants SEA ENG


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The results

Discover our main KPIs

*2023 data

  • 650 Customers

    icona persona
  • 53% Recovery

    icona reciclo

TIMG_SEA_La nostra mission, il nostro obiettivo_ENG

Our mission, our goal

We want to be the best waste management company for our customers, owners, and our internal and external human resources, by developing a business model capable of innovation and maintaining strong roots in the territory, while respecting the environment.

SEA company card_ENG

company logo

SEA Ambiente S.r.l.

VAT number/Tax code/Register of companies 00843310426

Registered office

Via Saline, snc
60020 Camerata Picena (AN)


Tel. +39 071 744840

Fax +39 071 7450138

BL_SEA_Piattaforma di trattamento rifiuti pericolosi Sea Srl_ENG