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Experience and innovation at the service of integrated waste management

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The strength of a large Group

We are a company of the Hera Group founded with the aim of combining expertise in the field of waste management with a complete range of treatment facilities under an industrial model that understands the prospects of the Italian market and manages resources in a careful and sustainable way.

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Sustainable and innovative solutions in integrated waste management

Owned 75% by the Hera Group, Herambiente owns its assets devoted to waste treatment and, over time, has consolidated by incorporating other companies in the sector, thus achieving a leadership position both in terms of volumes treated and in terms of its coverage of the entire country. The remaining 25 percent is held by EWHL European Waste Holdings Limited, an English registered company owned 50 percent by British Infrastructure Fund 3i Managed Infrastructure Acquisitions LP and 50 percent by Dutch Pension Fund Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP.

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Learn about Herambiente Group companies

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What we do

We organise and manage all operational and commercial activities of waste treatment and recovery plants. Through our expertise, knowledge of the issues, identification of collective needs and a network of qualified partners we are capable of safeguarding and caring for the environmental and industrial heritage across the whole country. We manage directly with our subsidiaries or with qualified national and foreign partners all the activities related to the treatment, recovery and disposal of solid and liquid, municipal and special waste through a plant system based on the most modern technologies.

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Our unique plant equipment

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Why we do it


We offer sustainable and innovative solutions in integrated waste management, meeting the challenges of the future for businesses and communities by creating value and new resources.

In recent years we have grown, and with us the motivation behind our work has also evolved. Our target market has gone beyond the local area and the community, including companies and offering innovative services to various industries and large national and non-national players. Our scope has expanded to look at the European market as well. Thanks to corporate acquisitions in recent years, we are now able to position ourselves in the market not only as a provider of waste treatment services, but as a manufacturing company of semi-finished and finished recycled products obtained from waste that is attentive to customer care and environmental sustainability.

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Every year, we treat waste in a sustainable way, transforming it into new materials and energy.

*2023 data

  • 7.2 million tonnes/year waste treated

    icona rifiuti-trattati
  • 5.2 million tonnes/year special waste treated

    icona rifiuti-speciali
  • 97 plants

    icona termovalorizzatori
  • >860 Gwhe/year electricity and thermal energy produced

    icona energia-elettrica

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From the origins to market leadership

The roots of our parent company go back almost one hundred years, to the twentieth century, when the municipalities of the region of Emilia Romagna began to entrust municipal companies with the management of waste and, over the years, with the construction of treatment plants for municipal waste. Since Herambiente was founded in 2009, the company has grown year after year, acquiring companies, facilities and strategic skills that have made it one of the leading companies in the market today.

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