Canvas_FEA Duplica 2

Impianto FEA Frullo


Frullo Energia Ambiente


Who is FEA Frullo Energia Ambiente?

Frullo Energia Ambiente was founded on 1 January 2001 from the spin off of the waste to energy business unit of Seabo, now Hera S.p.A. The company took care of the management of the "old Frullo", now abandoned, as well as the technological and environmental upgrading and redevelopment of the plant located in the Municipality of Granarolo dell'Emilia (in the province of Bologna), completed at the end of 2004. Since 23 December 2005, Fea has been managing a new generation waste to energy plant in Bologna. HERAmbiente S.p.A. holds a 51% equity interest in Fea S.r.l. while Renantis S.p.A. holds the remaining 49%.


Background monocolore verde

By managing the waste-to-energy plant in Bologna, we generate energy from waste to serve the local communities and businesses.

  • 140 million Kwh of energy produced

    icona energia-elettrica
  • 40 million Mcal of recovered thermal energy

    icona recupero-energetico
  • 25,000 TEP saved

    icona oil-gas


Operatore al lavoro

Integrated management, quality, safety and environment

The integrated quality, safety and environmental system adopted by Fea for the management of the waste-to-energy plant in Granarolo dell'Emilia complies with the UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 14001, UNI EN ISO 45001 and UNI EN ISO 50001 standards. FEA has achieved this important goal by applying a policy based on the principle of continuous improvement, which has made it possible to develop and implement an integrated quality, safety and environmental management system that has made the methods for monitoring and controlling the waste-to-energy plant even more functional.


FEA Frullo Energia Ambiente s.r.l. company card ENG

company logo

FEA Frullo Energia Ambiente s.r.l.

Company subject to the management and coordination of Herambiente S.p.A.
Tax code and Company register 12782000157 VAT Group “Gruppo Hera” VAT number 03819031208

Legal Headquarters

Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4
40127 Bologna

Operational Headquarters

FEA Frullo Energia Ambiente s.r.l.
Via del Frullo 5
40057 Granarolo dell’Emilia (BO)

carousel logo impianti_ENG