Canvas_Impianto di depurazione chimico fisico biologico di Castelfranco di Sotto_ENG

  • Distillation column Chemical, physical and biological purification plant located in Castelfranco di Sotto (Pisa)

    Chemical, physical and biological purification plant located in Castelfranco di Sotto (Pisa)

    HASI - Via Malpasso, 63/65 Castelfranco di Sotto (PI)

    Chemical, physical and biological treatment

    Hazardous and non-hazardous special liquid waste

  • Distillation column Chemical, physical and biological purification plant located in Castelfranco di Sotto (Pisa)

    Chemical, physical and biological purification plant located in Castelfranco di Sotto (Pisa)

    HASI - Via Malpasso, 63/65 Castelfranco di Sotto (PI)

    Chemical, physical and biological treatment

    Hazardous and non-hazardous special liquid waste

  • Chemical, physical and biological purification plant located in Castelfranco di Sotto (Pisa)

    HASI - Via Malpasso, 63/65 Castelfranco di Sotto (PI)

    Chemical, physical and biological treatment

    Hazardous and non-hazardous special liquid waste

  • Chemical, physical and biological purification plant located in Castelfranco di Sotto (Pisa)

    HASI - Via Malpasso, 63/65 Castelfranco di Sotto (PI)

    Chemical, physical and biological treatment

    Hazardous and non-hazardous special liquid waste

  • Chemical, physical and biological purification plant located in Castelfranco di Sotto (Pisa)

    HASI - Via Malpasso, 63/65 Castelfranco di Sotto (PI)

    Chemical, physical and biological treatment

    Hazardous and non-hazardous special liquid waste

  • Chemical, physical and biological purification plant located in Castelfranco di Sotto (Pisa)

    HASI - Via Malpasso, 63/65 Castelfranco di Sotto (PI)

    Chemical, physical and biological treatment

    Hazardous and non-hazardous special liquid waste

    TS_Impianto depurazione chimico fisico biologico di Castelfranco di Sotto_ENG


    The plant is operated by HASI Herambiente Servizi Industriali and treats hazardous and non hazardous special liquid waste through a chemical physical process that takes place in batch reactors and subsequent continuous lines.

    The sludge produced by the chemical physical treatment is dewatered by filter pressing, while oily emulsions and effluents with high surfactant concentrations are treated with an evaporator. Finally, waste with high salinity and metals that cannot be handled in chemical physical purification plants is treated with a second evaporator. The plant is equipped with a solvent water treatment section to separate solvents, which are sent to external recovery centres, from water, which is sent to internal chemical/biological treatment.

    The biological purification plant is fed with wastewater from the chemical physical treatment and the other treatment lines and with directly discharged waste.

    Page update 5 December 2022

    ListInfo_Impianto depurazione chimico fisico biologico di Castelfranco di Sotto_ENG


    • Authorised treatment capacity
      322.700 tons
    • Authorised Instant Storage Capacity
      650 tons
    • Accepted waste
      liquid, hazardous and non hazardous waste
    • Disposal codes
      D8 D9

    TextIMG_Impianto depurazione chimico fisico biologico di Castelfranco di Sotto_ENG

    Immagine dell'impianto Castelfranco di Sotto


    How does the plant work?

    The plant has a chemical-physical treatment section, an evaporation section for oily or high COD emulsions, a saline water evaporation section, a solvent recovery section and an MBR-type biological treatment section.

    Title all'Accordion Impianto depurazione chimico fisico biologico di Castelfranco di Sotto_ENG

    Plant cycle

    Accordion in Impianto di depurazione chimico fisico biologico di Castelfranco di Sotto_ENG

    ListDocuments in Impianto di depurazione chimico fisico biologico di Castelfranco di Sotto_ENG

    BannerLink in Impianto di depurazione chimico fisico biologico di Castelfranco di Sotto_ENG