Canvas Termovalorizzatore di Trieste_ENG

  • View of Waste-to-energy plant Trieste

    Waste-to-energy plant Trieste

    Hestambiente - Via Errera 11, Trieste


    Municipal waste, non-hazardous special waste

  • Technology of Waste-to-energy plant Trieste

    Waste-to-energy plant Trieste

    Via Errera 11, Trieste

  • View of Waste-to-energy plant Trieste

    Waste-to-energy plant Trieste

    Via Errera 11, Trieste

  • Person at work Waste-to-energy plant Trieste

    Waste-to-energy plant Trieste

    Via Errera 11, Trieste

    TextSimple in Termovalorizzatore di Trieste_ENG


    The city of Trieste, currently served by the plant known as "Errera 3", has a very long tradition of waste management using energy recovery plants. The local story in the daily newspaper "Il Piccolo" on 23 February 1915 was already talking about the inauguration of a "waste incinerator", which for the modest sum of 1 million crowns was already designed in those days for energy recovery. After a long break, in 1972 the new Giarizzole incinerator was launched, which served the city of Trieste until the end of 1999. In the meantime, legislative changes induced the Trieste Municipality to speed up the building of new waste incineration plant with energy recovery, which incorporated the best technologies available. The "ERRERA2" waste to energy plant was constructed on two incineration lines with a capacity of 204 t/day each and a thermal cycle dedicate to energy recovery serving a 4.85 MW steam turbine capable of producing 32 GWh/year of electricity. This plant made it possible to respond to the needs of an area which, because it is densely populated, limited in size and includes a limestone plateau region, made it and still makes it exceedingly difficult to locate a landfill there. "Errera 3" was the natural development from "Errera 2". The original plant was modernised and altered by constructing a third line (also with a capacity of 204 t/day) for waste treatment and an entirely new thermal cycle to cover all three energy recovery lines servicing a 14.9 MW steam turbine capable of producing 90 GWh/year.

    Page updated 25 August 2015

    ListInfo in Termovalorizzatore di Trieste_ENG


    Environmental compatibility in compliance with current legislation (Legislative Decree 152/06)

    • Number of waste to energy lines
    • Total thermal capacity
      67,3 MWt
    • Combustion technology
      Mixed water/air cooled moving grate incinerators
    • Waste disposal capacity
      approx. 612 t/d with LCV of 9,544 kJ/kg
    • Annual operation
      7,500 hours
    • Nominal electric power
      14,9 MWe
    • Disposal and recovery codes
      D10; R1
    • Type of waste accepted
      Urban waste, special non hazardous waste

    TextImage in Termovalorizzatore di Trieste_ENG

    Immagine Desktop Tecnologie del termovalorizzatore di Trieste


    How does the plant work?

    The waste-to-energy plant makes it possible to dispose of a variety of waste through combustion. The heat this generates is exploited to produce heat and electricity.

    Accordion in Termovalorizzatore di Trieste_ENG

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    TextSimple 2 in Termovalorizzatore di Trieste_ENG

    Emission monitoring

    A continuous monitoring system, installed on the chimney, analyses all the main parameters at one minute intervals, then stores and logs them according to national laws. The data are transmitted to the controlling bodies.

    ListDocuments in Termovalorizzatore di Trieste_ENG