CHero_Bonifiche Duplica 1

TS_Il primo operatore nazionale nel settore bonifiche ENG

The first national operator in the remediation sector

Our remediation services aim to eliminate risks to people and the environment and minimise social and economic impacts. In order to work at our best, we invest in valuable projects and partnerships. The acquisition of a 60% stake in the Modena based company ACR Reggiani by HASI Herambiente Servizi Industriali is a step in this direction and allows us to create the first national operator in the remediation sector.


T_A chi ci rivolgiamo? eng

Who are our services designed for?

Carousel_Bonifiche_A Chi ci rivolgiamo? ENG

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TS_Soluzioni di bonifica ENG

Remediation solutions

We work in a circular economy key to the safety and recovery of contaminated industrial and urban areas, overcoming the classic concept of excavation and disposal typical of remediation to recover materials on site and give them new life.

To do so, we can count on the experience of a dedicated team of technicians and experts and on partnerships with major operators in the sector throughout the country. We work in a circular economy key to the securing and recovery of contaminated industrial and urban areas, going beyond the classic concept of excavation and disposal typical of remediation to recover materials on site and give them new life. To do this, we can count on the experience of a dedicated team of technicians and experts and on partnerships with major industry players throughout the country.

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Paesaggio collinare con logo Tremonti

A new lease of life for contaminated sites

Partnership at the service of territory regeneration

Tremonti was founded in 2021 by combining the know-how of Herambiente, Greenthesis, Edison and Sersys Ambiente. It specialises in soil and groundwater remediation services and its mission is territory regeneration. Tremonti works with an integrated approach that includes material measures and participatory processes, with the aim of becoming a model for the management and positive resolution of cases of historical contamination in Italy. Tremonti carried out its first operations in the Tre Monti area of the Site of National Interest (SIN) at Bussi sul Tirino, in the province of Pescara. The remediation and rehabilitation of abandoned industrial facilities is the first step towards the economic and social revival of areas and communities with a long industrial history.

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bonifiche - RACCONTO V2 eng

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  • On Site

    With handling and removal of materials and polluted soil, but also with treatment in the site area itself and possible reuse. The material is reused in the same reclaimed area, following a circular economy approach.

  • In Situ

    Without handling and removal of the contaminated matrix, the processing takes place directly on the sources of pollution.

  • Off Site

    With handling and removal of contaminated materials and soil off site. The contaminated material is sent to recovery plants and undergoes treatment such as soil washing, biopile and incineration with energy recovery. Only a small part of it is sent to landfills and inertisation systems.

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    Characterisation and planning

    Characterisation is the first and most important step in the process of remediation of an area. It is an in-depth survey that allows us to trace the history of the site's contamination and provides all the elements to build the design phase of the project in an informed manner, which allows us to estimate its cost. Our technicians use cutting-edge investigation technologies and equipment, both for the execution of direct and indirect surveys and assist their customers in all phases of the authorisation process required by regulations in force.

    Environmental due diligence

    Choosing to invest in a decommissioned industrial facility, in the rehabilitation recovery of buildings and abandoned industrial areas can be a strategic advantage for a company, but it can also become a problem. At Herambiente, we offer an environmental audit and analysis service in full compliance with regulations in force to determine any past environmental liabilities in the matrices involved - air, soil, subsoil, surface water and groundwater - that could lead to penalties, including criminal ones, for the purchaser and heavily affect the real value of an asset.

    Sostenibilità - linkCross ENG

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