CH_PerleIndustrie ENG

Due Operatori visitano un impianto

We give value to waste by transforming it into a resource

Rely on our experience: together we will find the best solution to manage your industrial waste in an efficient and sustainable way.

TS_Accompagniamo la tua azienda nella transizione ecologica ENG

We will help your company to make the ecological transition

Through our subsidiary, HASI Herambiente Servizi Industriali, we are able to support your company in a process of ecological transition, offering ad hoc and high value added consultancy services to manage your industrial waste efficiently and with a single supplier. Together we will find customised solutions to turn waste into resources and help you grow your business with a circular economy approach reducing its impact on the environment.

Title_Industrie_Soluzioni per la tua industria Duplica 1

Solutions for your industrial company


icon can

Global Waste Management

A single partner for the supply of every environmental service, even for large multi-site companies. Discover all our services.

Find out more
icon fabbrica

Operation & Maintenance

On-site management and maintenance of private plants for the treatment of waste and water with remote control technologies.

Find out more


cNumbers_Industrie Duplica 1

Rettangolo verde

We are the first Italian reality in industrial waste management

With more than 2,000 qualified professionals and 97 certified facilities, we cover the entire country processing any type of waste: solid, liquid, hazardous and non-hazardous.

*2023 data

  • 97 certified owned plants

    icona impianti-certificati
  • 24 hubs dedicated to the recovery of industrial waste

    icona recupero-scarti-industriali
  • 4,500 companies served

    icona imprese
  • > 1.5 million tonnes/year C&I waste treated

    icona rifiuti-trattati

BL_Industrie_Soluzioni di bonifica in chiave di economia circolare Duplica 1

Title_Discover all our facilities in the territory

Find out all our facilities in the territory

sMap di Homepage Duplica ENG

Key and filters


Industrial waste

Waste-to-energy plants


Sorting and recovery



BI_Operatori Duplica 2

TS_Non solo gestione dei rifiuti, ma servizi di consulenza ad alto valore Duplica 1

Not just waste management, but high value consultancy services

We are a Circular Engine Company and we will support your company in the ecological transition with comprehensive environmental services, offering you ad hoc services with a high added value. Choosing our solutions means choosing a single partner who will assess your company's needs in detail and guide you on the path to transforming your waste into resources, freeing you from managing it and allowing you to focus on the future of your business.

BI_Industrie_Infografica ENG


TS_Industrie_Adognisettorelasuaofferta Duplica 1

Each sector has its own offer

Thanks to our experience in serving major national companies, we are able to offer high value added, sustainable and circular economy oriented services for:

Carousel_Industrie Duplica 1

BL_PerleIndustrie ENG

Title They have already chosen our services

They have already chosen our services

BI_Industrie_LoghiClienti Duplica 1

SH_Industrie Duplica 1

  • Together

    Working alongside industry for a sustainable future

    Service continuity, efficiency and innovation to support sustainability and circularity in the industrial sector.

    Two operators at work
    an operator works on a packaging
    Herambiente Group and Bormioli Pharma: together to maximise recovery

    The synergy between HASI and Aliplast leads the pharmaceutical packaging industry towards a sustainable future.

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    BL_Industrie_sei già nostro cliente Duplica 0

    CL_Industrie Duplica 1