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State of the art facilities

Our pre-treatment, treatment and final destination plants allow us to maximise the recoverable resources from waste while minimising the impact on the environment.

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Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed

We operate from a circular economy perspective and see waste as a simple intermediate state of matter from which new resources can be created: secondary raw materials and energy.

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A large European network that looks to the future

Thanks to our facilities, which are unique in Italy and consist of 97 plants and a network of qualified European operators, we can deliver our services wherever they are needed, so that every piece of waste finds its way and becomes valuable. We work by minimising the use of landfill and invest in innovative projects and cutting-edge technologies that allow us to maximise waste recovery even more.

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Key and filters


Industrial waste

Waste-to-energy plants


Sorting and recovery



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In our composting plants we treat municipal waste from separate collection, such as kitchen scraps and prunings, and transform them into compost: a fertilizer with the power of agricultural soil improver. The wet fraction of the waste that derives from the mechanical separation of separate collection is instead treated within the biostabilization plants, the material obtained is used to cover landfills or to reclaim contaminated sites by replacing virgin material.

Waste to energy plants

We transform non-recyclable waste into energy through plants that not only incinerate unsorted waste, but recover the heat developed by combustion, obtaining energy from it. To guarantee the safety of the territory and citizens, all our plants are equipped with emission control systems and the updated data are public and updated in compliance with legal obligations.

Industrial waste

The treatment of industrial waste is a complex process, thanks to our experience and the solidity of the Hera Group, we are able to manage it safely and at a competitive price. Our treatment flows and 19 industrial waste management poles are created to better manage the nature of the waste to be treated.


Landfilling represents the final level of the hierarchy in the integrated cycle of waste management and plays an increasingly less important role. Certain particular types of solid and muddy waste, both urban and special, are sent to landfill for disposal, which cannot be treated in a more sustainable way.

Sorting and recovery

The municipal waste collected by our environmental hygiene services flows into the recovery plants, where it undergoes a separation or selection treatment. If differentiated, the waste is sent to selection and recovery plants to: recover the material from dry differentiated waste (paper, glass, plastic, etc., etc.), recover and send the separated wet material (kitchen scraps) to bio-digestion and composting plants and pruning clippings). If unsorted waste is sent for selection to recover the wet fraction which will be sent for biostabilisation, everything that cannot be recovered, on the other hand, is sent to the landfill or sent to the waste-to-energy plant.

The Aliplast group, plastic recycling

This plastic recycling company represents a real excellence on the national territory: in addition to collection, Aliplast is dedicated to the complete recycling of plastic waste. Pioneer in Italy in achieving full integration throughout the life cycle of plastics, it collects more than 90,000 tons of plastic annually and processes 90,000 tons of finished products. The outgoing regenerated polymers are always of high quality. Aliplast serves customers operating in the food, cosmetics and hygiene products, furniture, automotive, construction, household appliances and paper sectors.

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Secure and transparent management

Our plants are certified, technologically advanced and in line with European BAT (Best Available Techniques), the best technical, management and control solutions to ensure a high level of environmental protection through low pollutant emissions and optimisation of the raw materials used in the process. We manage the sites with the utmost security and transparency by constantly monitoring and publishing the data relating to their emissions.

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Are you interested in visiting one of our facilities?

Herambiente welcomes to its facilities anyone who wants to see how waste is processed: book your guided tour online.